The Species and Habitat Action Plans

Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)

Species and Habitat Action Plans

The Species and Habitat Action Plans

Our 52 action plans were initially compiled by numerous local experts between 2002-2005 and widely consulted amongst conservation specialists and potential partners. Their comments and amendments were incorporated and the plans adopted by the Steering Group. However, it was not intended that the plans should be set in stone and between 2012-15 a review was carried out to update them and make them more achievable and measurable. 

One of the results of the review was the creation of generic plans for actions that were common to all the plans: a generic species action plan and generic habitat action plan

Find out more about the Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP).

Updating the Action Plans: If you have carried out a project, or know of work, relating to any of the Action Plans listed below please contact:

Gina Rowe
Landscape Recovery Development Manager
Chair of LBAP

Much of the information in the habitat plans has been derived from the work of the Habitat Biodiversity Audit:

  • Established in 1995 as a partnership between all the Local Authorities within Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull plus Natural England and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. Its remit was to survey every field and boundary in the sub-region to provide up-to-date biodiversity data held on a Geographical Information System (GIS), that is updated annually.
  • The data are invaluable in protecting and enhancing habitats across the sub-region as the planning authorities use the information for a range of purposes, including spatial planning and development control.
  • As the longest continual running survey of its kind, the Phase 1 survey for Warwickshire has become an invaluable research data set for land-use change and landscape enhancements across the region.
  • Recognized as European standard of good practice.

The Wildlife Sites Project began in 1999 to develop and maintain a formalized Local Wildlife Sites system for Warwickshire:

  • Made up of Wildlife Sites and Local Geological Sites as part of a wider initiative also involving the Local Wildlife Sites system operated in Coventry and Solihull.
  • Responsible for site selection in collaboration with the local authorities, and undertakes the detailed site survey generally referred to as a Phase 2 habitat survey against a set of criteria based on the Joint Nature Conservancy Council (JNCC) national criteria for the selection of biological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
  • These have been expanded to reflect a local authority’s role in nature conservation including local community characteristics.

Habitat Action Plans

The area of Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull has been categorised into 6 broad habitat types: grassland, farmland, woodland, urban, post-industrial and wetland. These broad habitats have been sub-divided into 25 Action Plans, the aim being to give a comprehensive cover of all the land area of the sub-region. Those in bold are UK BAP Priority Habitats; the terminology and derivation of the objectives can be viewed here.

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011-2020

Allotments progress report 2011-2020

Built Environment progress report 2011-2020

Gardens progress report 2011-2020

Lakes & Reservoirs progress report 2011-2020

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011-2019

Ponds progress report 2011-2019

Old parkland and veteran trees progress report 2011-2019

Parks and public open spaces progress report 2011-2019 updated 2021

Traditional orchards progress report 2011-2019

Woodland progress report 2011-2019

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011 - 2018

Please see reports below: 

Canals progress report 2011-2018

Marsh and swamp, wet grassland and wet woodland progress report 2011 - 2018

Reed beds progress report 2011 - 2018

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011 - 2017

Please see the reports below: 

Calcareous grassland progress report 2011-2017

Open mosaic habitats progress report 2011-2017

Quarries & gravel pits progress report 2011-2017

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011 - 2016

Please see the reports below: 

Arable field margins progress report 2011-2016

Hedgerows progress report 2011-2016

Neutral Grassland progress report 2011-2016

Rivers & Streams progress report 2011-2016

Progress with Habitat Action Plans 2011 - 2015

Please see the reports below: 

Churchyards and cemeteries progress report 2011-2015

Lowland Acid grassland progress report 2011-2015

Lowland Heathland progress report 2011-2015 updated 2021

Roadside verges progress report 2011-2015

Species Action Plans

The Steering Group, in consultation with local specialist experts, selected a balance of species across the various groups of animals and plants typical of Warwickshire, Coventry & Solihull. In most instances, this produced action plans for species which are listed as Priority in the UK Steering Group report (i.e. national target species). However, in some cases the populations of those species in this region are increasing or stable and therefore are not in need of current action. In these instances, a more needy local species has been chosen for an action plan instead.

In all, 27 Action Plans for Warwickshire Coventry and Solihull were selected on the basis of the criteria outlined below; those in bold are UK BAP Priority Species:

  • UK Steering Group report Listed (as internationally or nationally threatened)
  • Keystone species for which management action will benefit a number of associated species
  • Cultural value, or locally characteristic. Includes species which are familiar to local people
  • Scarcity. Species which are locally/ nationally scarce of declining. Especially if the species “should” be more widespread locally
  • Specific action needed over and above general habitat conservation
  • In rapid decline locally.


Progress with Species Action Plans 2011-2020

Hedgehog progress report 2011-2020

Song Thrush progress report 2011-2020

Progress with Species Action Plans 2011-2019

Great crested newt progress report 2011-2019

Common dormouse progress report 2011-2019

Argent & sable progress report 2011-2019

Leaf-rolling weevil progress report 2011-2019

Red wood ant progress report 2011-2019

Wood white butterfly progress report 2011-2019

Progress with Species Action Plans 2011-2018

Please see reports below: 

Bittern progress report 2011 - 2018

Black poplar progress report

Bloody nosed beetle progress report 2011-2018

Otter progress report 2018

Snipe progress report 2018

Water vole progress report 2011-2018

Progress with Species Action Plans 2011-2017

Please see reports below: 

Adder progress report 2011 - 2017

Chalk Carpet Moth progress report 2011 - 2017

Cuckoo bee progress report 2011 - 2017

Dotted Bee-fly progress report 2011 - 2017

Small blue butterfly progress report 2011-2017

Progress with Species Action Plans 2011 - 2016

Please see reports below: 

Farmland Birds progress report 2011-2016

Lapwing progress report 2011-2016

Scarce Arable Plants progress report 2011-2016

Rare Bumblebees progress report 2011-2016

White-clawed Crayfish progress report 2011-2016

Progress with Species Action Plans 2011-2015

Please see reports below.

Barn owl progress report 2011- 2015

Bats progress report 2011-2015

Dingy skipper progress report 2011-2015